MEMBERS MEETING – December 5th


MEMBERS MEETING – December 5th

Submissions for Agenda items are welcomed from our fee paying members for the next Members Meeting. The BHRC ask for your proposed Agenda items to be sent via email to the BHRC Office by Friday, November 5th at 5pm. Alternatively, please speak to any Board members with your proposed items.

The aim is to publish the Agenda, along with the AGM Agenda, no later than November 12th.

The BHRC broke new ground with the first Members Meeting on October 26th since the inception of One Person One Vote. These meetings replace the old Committee Meetings, it is important to remember you, the registered fee paying member, now form the BHRC Committee. You are all welcome to attend future meetings and notice will be given as to when to register your attendance.

The minutes from the October 26th meeting will be published soon, but  just to highlight some of the discussion points -

A general Integrity report was read re the number of tests in the latest season, a similar report was read on Stewarding, as well as an update on the computer database and handicapping of pacers.

There were announcements stating the current Chairman would not be standing at the AGM, PJE Accountants of Lampeter have been signed up to work for the BHRC, the Terms Of Reference for the structure of trotting and pacing governance have been proposed for both organisations to discuss, and a question was raised on what measures could be implemented to prevent the physical abuse of licence holders and officials alike.

The BHRC Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to everyone for their input in this first meeting.