Admission of Track Stewards as voting members of the BHRC


Admission of Track Stewards as voting members of the BHRC


During the campaign to open up the voting membership of the BHRC to more of those actively involved in the sport, which included face book presentations, presentations to the BHRC and discussions, and 2 votes at BHRC committee level, unfortunately no mention was made of giving voting rights to licensed track stewards. The track stewards play a fundamental role in our sport and importantly are the most unbiased opinions that we have. Therefore, a proposal will be put forward for a resolution to be considered at the spring meeting of the membership of the BHRC (this being the earliest opportunity) The Resolution will state :  That with immediate effect persons issued with a track steward’s licence be admitted to the membership of the BHRC as voting but non-affiliation paying members. On retiring, their licence expiring or being revoked a person having been a track steward shall immediately cease to be a member of the BHRC.