Grooms’ membership of the B.H.R.C. & voting rights


Grooms’ membership of the BHRC and voting rights.


We wish to confirm that holding a groom’s licence only does not give an entitlement to membership of the bhrc or a right to vote. The membership and entitlement to vote is based upon the payment of the Affiliation fee, currently £50, which owners, all trainers and drivers are automatically charged.


Rather than to impose this charge on grooms it was decided that this would remain optional. Therefore as a groom you may join the BHRC as a member and acquire the entitlement to vote if you wish by paying the affiliation fee in addition to your groom’s licence fee.


Any member may propose a resolution to be voted on by the membership, to add the affiliation fee automatically to the groom’s licence, which if passed would give all grooms membership of the bhrc and the right to vote.