Rotation of Directors at AGM


The BHRC has received a query regarding the rotation for election of the Directors at the AGM which will be held on Sunday 5th March 2023. As you all know, as part of the innovative “one person one vote” programme, all the current Directors offered, in consideration of democracy, to stand for re-election at the AGM of 2022. Those Directors, six in number, were re elected on the same day.   According to the Articles of Association of the BHRC,


  1. At the first Annual General Meeting and at the Annual General Meeting to be held in every subsequent year the Members of the Council shall retire by rotation in the following manner: the Chairman and Vice-Chairman at every Annual General Meeting; one third of the Stewards  and one half of the Regional Stewards at every annual general meeting. The Stewards and regional stewards to retire shall be those who have been the longest in office since their last appointment or election. In the absence of agreement between themselves, retirement shall be determined by lot. A retiring Member of Council shall be eligible for re-election. 


For the purposes of clarity, the reference to Stewards means Directors.  One third of 6 is 2. As referenced above, all 6 Directors stood for re election and all six were re-elected on the same day. So clearly in order to fulfil the requirements of the Articles, we looked at section 36 again, and balloted to decide which two Directors would stand for election since all directors had been standing for the same length of time since their last appointment. Those Directors were Charles Inglis and Jason Podmore who are therefore the two names listed on the ballot sheet.


For information, the office did not receive ANY new applications this year for the post of Director. It is worth noting that section 41 of the Articles also states that a quorum of the Council consists of no less than 6 Directors so we do need to maintain the numbers.