Race Day Insurance


As some licence holders are aware, there is an issue with insurance at the moment. One promoter is requesting to use their own events insurance rather than the BHRC policy. Whilst we can appreciate their need to save money, as a Board of Directors we have a Duty of Care to everybody, as well as a moral and legal obligation to follow due diligence. We hope that the following explanation will ensure that all licence holders fully understand why the BHRC now have to insist that all promoters, who wish to run under BHRC Rules and Regulations use the BHRC policy.

Back in 2014/2015 the BHRC were approached by Promoters who were being refused terms for events insurance. Investigations revealed this to be a reaction by insurers to a large costly claim in the sport of Carriage Driving, which was impacting into other small equestrian sports and activities. The unfortunate repercussion for Harness Racing was that Events insurance would only be offered if all competitors had Personal Accident and Public Liability cover. This is when the relationship between the BHRC and the current broker was borne.

Through this broker we put in place events insurance which begins during set up of the fixture, continues throughout raceday activities and also through the dismantling of the track. Licence holders have Personal Accident (PA) cover, as well as Public Liability (PL) covering them for their harness racing related activities at BHRC fixtures, without which the sport would have stalled back in 2015.

The same broker has worked with the BHRC since, offering help and advice as part of due diligence on Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, Covid safety etc, as well as the findings of the actual covers. The broker has worked arduously to gain an understanding of the sport and the requirements of members. The company have a proven record of obtaining the correct policies, as well as investigating, responding to and honouring claims, whilst also and importantly, continually obtaining renewal terms.

Equestrian activities are unfortunately viewed as high risk and even more so under competition, so naturally the premiums are costly at circa £20k a year. Licence holders pay pro-rata fees to cover PL and PA premiums, whilst the events insurance is currently £170 per raceday for Promoters/Tracks. (Please be assured this does offer good value for money, a quote of £330 per day has been obtained with a National Agricultural insurer, who was offering, as far as we could see, like for like cover).

The BHRC since the inception of these policies had to make the PL and PA compulsory for competitors, but continued to allow Promoters to source their own Events cover.

The conclusion of the recent landmark case within our sport brought insurance to the fore once again and highlighted how important it is to ensure that every person and every scenario is fully and adequately covered under correct policies. As you can imagine it is impossible to plan for every scenario. If two policies overlap for the same event (BHRC policy and a Promoter policy) it is not the case that double cover exists, but rather two policies that may seek to shift liability leading to an impass and effectively zero cover.

The knock-on effect being future refusal of terms for the sport. It is not dutiful or correct for any governance to be involved in or allow such a situation to occur and would in fact be a negligent action of all involved.

After much consideration the BHRC decided that the best way forward to negate any grossly irresponsible actions and ensure absolute and indisputable cover for licence holders, officials, events and of course the sport, is to make the proven policies already in existence compulsory for promoters/tracks as they are for licence holders.

The BHRC will continue to try and reach agreement regarding the above with WWHRA. It has always been difficult due to personal commitments and geographical issues for all Directors to meet in person at short notice, but as an alternative the BHRC has suggested to the WWHRA Committee that a meeting is held via zoom, attended by the Directors of the BHRC and the 3 members of the WWHRA Committee along with a driver, owner and trainer representative from WWHRA. The meeting could be recorded and shared providing that all attendees agree to this at the start of the meeting. If you have any questions about this please contact us by email: bhrc.integrity@yahoo.com