
A fully completed Licence Renewal form must be submitted to the BHRC for every application. For payments made via telephone a completed Licence Renewal Form must be submitted either by email, fax or MMS prior to payment being accepted and processed. Any persons applying to renew a trainer licence will be required to give the full postal address of their stables/training premises.
Please be aware that licence fees do increase on 1st March and 1st May in every licensing year and reminders or updated pro-formas will not be issued.
Please ensure that you are up to date with all rule changes adopted at the AGM. Issues to note are:
• All horses must now be declared in training to the BHRC 28 days prior to being entered for racing or a qualifier. Horses not declared in training for this period will not be cleared for competition.
• All flu vaccinations administered must be notified to the BHRC within 72 hours.
• All trainers must advise the BHRC of their registered stables or training premises and their licence will be specific to those registered details
• Public Trainer renewals must be submitted to the BHRC prior to 31st January
• It is the responsibility of an owner to advise the BHRC of any ownership transfers
• Trainers must advise the BHRC within 48 hours of any horse that arrives or departs their custody
All licence holders are individually responsible to ensure that they fully understand the rules and regulations laid down in the rule book and their obligations once licensed under the same.