
On Saturday night BHRC & STAGBI celebrated the success of a number of horses and people from the 2015 season at the inaugural joint event at Daresbury Park Hotel, Warrington.
Around 100 guests enjoyed a three course meal, followed by an overview of the season from Darren Owen. This led onto the awards, with a short video montage for each award winner, the presentations from BHRC Chairman Roy Sheedy and STAGBI President Ryan O’Neil followed by an interview with the winners courtesy of Darren. Promoters and drivers were also welcomed to the stage to talk about the previous season and the season ahead.
The event was deemed to be a resounding success, with guests celebrating on late into the night.
Thank you to all those who attended and assisted in the organising of the event, and WELL DONE to all award winners from 2015!

Visit Facebook for a selection of photos courtesy of Graham Rees:
BHRC Facebook Page