
TROTBritain have received the following letter from the CEO of Chelmsford City Racecourse, explaining their decision to cancel the Le Trot races at the two final meetings, following events at that of August 15.

“On a personal level I’m very disappointed that we haven’t been able to take the trial forward but the reports I received, both verbal and written left me with no choice.
[Here follow confidential quotations from course security documenting the unacceptable behaviour of a minority at the entrance to the course and during the racing, and the widespread obtaining of food by fraudulent means.]
We have a policy of zero tolerance against anyone exhibiting bad behaviour. It’s my view these can’t been seen as isolated incidents and worse was sure to follow if we didn’t take the decision we did.
Rightly or wrongly the overriding impression that our people have is that trotting attracts a large element of people that we just don’t want at Chelmsford City.
So it is with regret that I have to say this is not for us but you have my very best wishes in your efforts to establish trotting as a pastime in the UK which can be safely enjoyed by all.”

It is clear that without this problem being addressed successfully there is no future on this route to expansion.