TIR PRINCE – Saturday 23rd September


The meeting at Tir Prince Raceway on Saturday 23rd September has unfortunately been CANCELLED due to a lack of entries. This therefore concludes the 2017 racing season at Tir Prince. Usually when we have a low entry at this stage we would attempt to rally round and get more entries but in this instance we are so far away from putting on a meeting that we have decided to let everyone know straight away that we wont be racing on 23rd September. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has contributed and supported us during the ten meetings that we have put on this year we are proud of the racing that we have put on and this cannot be achieved without your support. Rest assured we will be back in 2018 and we will keep everyone informed in due course concerning our plans for The 2018 Season.


Eric Witherspoon