*******Facebook Live Draw********


Mae Gwyl Rasio Harnais Tregaron yn agosau a chynhelir ‘live draw’ ar Facebook nos Lun am 8.45yh go gyfer a’r rasys penwythnos nesaf. Diolch a phob lwc.
On Monday evening (21/08/17) at 8.45pm in the Memorial Hall Tregaron ALL the races requiring a draw for position will be drawn live on Facebook in the presence of a Regional BHRC Steward and any Owners / Trainers are welcome to attend. The race-card will appear on Wednesday in full draw order. The race-card on the day will reflect the barrier position of all horses
****ALL horses on the entry list at 5pm on Monday evening (21/08/17) will be liable for full entry fee****
Please note you will still need to declare your horse on the day.
Thank you and good luck.