Please be aware that fee increases apply on 1st March and 1st May in every licensing year. Applications MUST be received at the BHRC Office BEFORE (not on) the dates that increased fees apply. A 50% increase in fees is applicable to all applications received at BHRC on or after 1st March. Post-dated applications will NOT be accepted at lower fee rates.
ALL members applying for renewal must complete a LICENCE RENEWAL FORM and submit via Email, MMS, Whatsapp, Fax or Post.
Fees payments can be made by cheque, BACS transfer, credit/debit card via phone – completed form must be received prior to payment being accepted.
All applications must also be accompanied by a Passport Type Photograph – this is necessary to bring BHRC Records up to date and enable the BHRC to produce licences with identification on.
Full renewal information can be viewed at:- Licence Holders Renewal Guide Page
PLEASE NOTE the BHRC Office Opening Hours are:
Monday & Tuesday – 9.30am to 5pm
Wednesday to Friday – 9.30am to 3pm
Payments made via telephone to the BHRC Office will be taken between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday. Licence holders are asked to please be mindful of this and prioritise this time for making payments. After 2pm everyday and all day Thursday there is just one member of staff available to take calls.
Payments can be made to BHRC via BACS:-
BHRC – Co Op Bank
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 65778445
Please ensure that a reference (licence number or name) is applied to BACS payments.